Welcome to Cross Timbers Community Association, Inc.
The Association is excited to announce the Cross Timbers Facebook page! The link can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/CrossTimbersNeighborhood/. When you visit the page you will need to request to join the group and then will be approved for the page. This site will be a great way to communicate about community events, contractors, and items in the area.
Recently, there have been questions about the mailbox kiosk in the community and who maintains copies of keys. Currently, the HOA nor the post office maintain copies of these keys. But, homeowners may go in person to the post office on TW Alexander and request that the post office change their lock. The cost is $15, but after the post office changes the lock they will begin maintaining copies of keys moving forward! Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions.
Quick FAQ’s
When are the assessment fees due?
The association assessment fees are due on the first of every month.
Who do I call if there is an emergency?
Emergencies situations include fire, plumbing, roof leaks or weather-related damage. Contact our office at (919) 233-7660. Leave a detailed message with your community name, phone number and extent of damage. A staff member will contact as soon as possible. If the emergency is after hours please contact our emergency line at 919-634-4545.
What are the CC&R’S?
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation.
How can I make a recommendation or ask a question?
Use the Contact Us link
Introducing the New Community App!
4112 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone : (919) 233-7660 x237
Email : hilaryslater@elite-mgmt.com
Managed by Elite Management Professionals