Welcome to Winston Pointe Homeowners Association, Inc.
Quick FAQ’s
What is the Winston Pointe Website:
When are the assessment fees due?
The association assessment fees are due Quarterly: In January, April, July, October for $129.09
Who do I call if there is an emergency?
911 for Fire or Police. If there is an HOA emergency afterhours, please call the emergency line at (919) 634-4545.
What are the CC&R’S?
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation.
How can I make a recommendation?
Please contact your Elite Management at mgr.winstonpointe@gmail.com
Who are the Board of Directors for Winston Pointe?
Elite Management Professionals, Inc.
Hilary Slater, Senior Community Manager
Email: hilaryslater@elite-mgmt.com
Carol McKechnie, Assistant Community Manager
Email: carolmckechnie@elite-mgmt.com
Phone: (919)-233-7660
Fax: (919)-233-7661 Attn: Hilary Slater and/or Carol McKechnie
Architectural Requests
Should you make any exterior modifications at your home, please complete the Architectural Request form located on the Winston Pointe website at www.winstonpointehoa.com Once completed, please forward it to your management team at mgr.winstonpointe@gmail.com.
Architectural Requests Cont:
For ARC applications to be Accepted the following below are needed.
Without these items, ARC applications will be deemed incomplete and sent back to the homeowner until all forms are completed.
Introducing the New Community App!
4112 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone : (919) 233-7660
Email : hilaryslater@elite-mgmt.com
Managed by Elite Management Professionals